Teemu Ropponen
CEO / Partners
+358 40 525 5153

Riia Järvenpää
Communications and Media
+358 40 568 7370

Press release and invitation for media. Free to be published 16.06.2022

The EU aims for a sustainable and ethical data economy, by regulating Big Tech, personal data use and cryptocurrencies

Invitation: MyData 2022 Conference 21.–22.6.

HELSINKI, FINLAND | The European Union is rolling out a wave of new regulations and billions in funding, aiming at a safer internet and a level playing field for European businesses.

In the MyData 2022 conference you will hear from thinkers and doers of the alternatives to Big Tech what these EU’s massive new regulations mean for the future of the economy and for the ethical use of personal data.

Place: Wanha Satama, Pikku Satamakatu 3-5, 00160 Helsinki, Finland.
Conference Date: 21.6. 9:00–17:00 and 22.6. 8:00–16:00 (EET).
The keynotes of the event can be heard exclusively in Helsinki, Finland. The media will have the opportunity to record videos, and streaming short videos will be arranged on request. The interviews can take place via teleconference also. See the media program at the end of this press release.

Media registrations and more information: Riia Järvenpää, or +358 40 5687370.

Keynotes speeches – information is power and ethics is key for successful business

Information is power, says MyData 2022 keynote speaker and a Pulitzer Prize-winning tech journalist, Julia Angwin: “Never before has so much information been collected about human behaviour. We have to decide how to place limits on the use of this power.”

At the same time, it is also in the interest of the companies to act ethically. “If your business doesn’t stand for something, it will fall down”, keynote speaker Chris Skinner claims. ​​Skinner is the author of several influential books on digitalisation and popular fintech blog The Finanser. His latest book, Digital for Good, has just been published in late May.

Other speakers include Nnenna Nwakanma from the World Wide Web Foundation, Jyrki Katainen, the president of the Finnish think tank Sitra and former prime minister of Finland, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, the Finnish “digi-MEP”, and Jasmina Byrne, Chief of Policy, UNICEF.

Our 20+ partners, including Avast, Capgemini, City of Helsinki, esatus, Sitra and Vastuu Group will share their solutions and insights for building more human and ethical data-driven businesses.

Hope to see you next week in Helsinki! In the meantime, you can participate in the discussion at Twitter and Linkedin with the hashtag #MyData2022!

Conference page:
MyData Global, the organization:

Please contact us and tell which topics are of interest to you: Riia Järvenpää, or +358 40 5687370.

MyData Global: an award-winning international nonprofit, based on Helsinki, Finland

We have over 100 organisation members and close to 400 individual members from over 40 countries on six continents. We help organisations build human-centric solutions and services, and we collaborate with local, national, and international stakeholders to advance ethical use of personal data.

MyData 2022 conference

MyData 2022 brings together stakeholders representing Business, Legal, Tech and Social perspectives to work out the best solutions and business models that are ethical, yet profitable.

MyData conferences are known as the “gold standard of the conferences” with a friendly vibe. Some 500 experts from more than 30 countries – the whole personal data ecosystem – will be there.

In an era marked by the extensive use of personal data, the need for giving end users more transparency and control over their data trails is evident. The current legislative changes bring more opportunities and responsibilities for the data-based organisations.

Highlights and Media program
Timezone: UTC+3

21.6. 10:00–10:30
Julia AngwinTHE MARKUP: Power and privacy

Topics: Privacy, Big Tech and problems it creates, Need for fair data economy

  • Never before has so much information been collected about human behavior
  • We have to decide how to place limits on the use of this power

Pulitzer Prize-winning Julia Angwin has founded The Markup, a journalistic born-online media centering on data-driven investigations of tech and how it influences society.

After the talk at 10:30: the Press Meeting of the day 1.

21.6. 11:00–11:35
Jasmina ByrneUNICEF: Building safer internet for children
Topics: Fair Data Business, Online safety, Education technology

21.6. 11:15 –11:35
World Wide Web of data
MyData 2022 topics: Actionable Rights, Interoperability, Foundations

Nnenna will be speaking mainly on the 3rd, 5th and 6th principles of the Contract for the Web. In other words:

  • The direct link between Data Privacy and the future of the web
  • Why digital trust is mainly based on data trust
  • The design solutions for 1 and 2 above.

She is member of UN’s Internet Governance Forum, a pioneer and continued advisor on internet governance in Africa, and Faculty at the Schools of Internet Governance and acknowledged as one of the “World’s Most 100 Influential People in Digital Government”, one of “Africa’s 50th Digital Personalities”.

21.6. 16:35–17:00
Marloes PompNETHERLAND AI COALITION: The power of decentralised civilian initiatives during crisis situations: how data is used in Ukraine

Topics: Blockchain, digital identity, NFT’s
Pomp will take us to the journey that explores the power of civilian initiatives during crisis situations and how they are using data.

  • First hand experience helping Ukrainian refugees leaving their identities behind
  • What is the role of communities in Web3?
  • DAO’s as organisational structures

Netherlands AI Coalition and the Dutch Blockchain Coalition are joint partnerships by government, industry and academia. Within the Netherlands AI Coalition Marioes is building a European Network of ELSA (‘Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects’) labs.

22.6. 9:00–10:30
Chris SkinnerTHE FINANSER: When markets change rapidly with technology, can regulators keep up?
Topics: Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, FinTech, Fair data economy

Should regulators have allowed Facebook to create a payment system? Should regulators ban bitcoin? Should regulators only allow banks to do banking?

Mr. Skinner has been an advisor to the United Nations, the White House, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum, and is a visiting lecturer with Cambridge University as well as a TEDx speaker. In recent years, he has been voted as one of the most influential people in financial technology by the Wall Street Journal’s Financial News and Thomson Reuters – and an advocate for cryptocurrencies.

After the speech: Press Meeting day 2.

22.6. 15:00–15:30

The collective dimension of Data Governance. Your data is not about you only – it is also about the others.
Topics: Fair Data Business, Global Discussion

An individuals’ data does not only contain information or allow drawing inferences about that person, but in many cases also about others. It is therefore important to also account for the collective dimension of data — and how it can be leveraged to further the collective interest and prevent harm.

Maximilian Gahntz is a Senior Policy Researcher with the Mozilla Foundation’s Insights team.